Saturday, August 19, 2017

Goals and Introductions

Our goals in the Reagan Singers are for our students to:
• develop an awareness, appreciation, and love of the music that surrounds them
• be capable of making music on their own
• develop an understanding of the cultural and historical context of music
• become well rounded individuals
• appreciate the value in the differences and similarities that exist in different genres of music
• be knowledgeable and use that knowledge to guide action
• be empowered and prepared for the world
• be capable of sharing ideas with others
• develop a love of learning and continue to learn throughout their lives

This website is designed to ensure the highest possible level of success for your student, regardless of their level. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: (305) 805-1900 ext 2273 or via email at

Juan Carlos Boue
Ms. Romero-Sardiñas
Chorus Director

Chorus Syllabus

The purpose of Reagan Singers is to provide, promote, and encourage love, interest, and participation in choral music. This is the face of the choral program at Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Sr. High.

The student should be able to sight-read SATB music of a moderate level of difficulty.
The student should have knowledge of music theory such that he/she can figure out a new piece of music with a limited amount of help from the director.
The student should be able to sing his/her part independently while other students sing their parts simultaneously.
The student should be able to interpret and connect the music to cultural and historical context.

Course Structure:
Every Semester, these specific things will be worked on and continue to be developed.
1) How the voice works, what is a good sound, what is a bad sound? Proper posture, breathing, and vowel formation
2) Theory and Sight Singing fundamentals.
3) Voice placements and types.
4) Understanding scores in regards to phrasing, tempo, and dynamics.
5) Different language based music will be introduced and developed.
6) Evaluation preparation, what is a good performance, what is a bad performance?
7) How to create better performances. Learning to blend with other voices, listening to each other,
8) Historical understanding of music.
9) Cultural understanding of music.
10) Creating and putting on a performance, what goes into it?

Students involved in this program should be able to sing solo and participate in one of the multiple opportunities provided throughout the school year.
Students should be able to create a resume for auditions/colleges/job applications.
Students should be able to prepare their songs for auditions. 
Students should understand the rigors of the performing world, and as such, audition periodically throughout the year. 
Students should learn how to show love.

                        A.         Performances                                        45 %
                        B.         Rehearsal attendance                             25 %
                        C.         Class Participation                                 15 %
                        D.        Written Assignments/Evaluations         10 %
                        E.         Quarterly Exam                                      5 %

Music Fee $4
Uniform Rental $10

Grading Scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59-below

Love is...

Friday, August 18, 2017

First 9 Weeks Assignments

All of the following assignments are to be recorded and submitted via Office 365 Reagan Singers Class.

The due dates are always on a Sunday, the deadline is midnight. The schedule is as follows:

First Assignment- Worth 3 Grades- How can I bring/show Love in this room?

8/27- Sing a Major Scale and the arpeggio in half notes using solfege.
9/3- Sing a Major Scale and I, IV, V chords in quarter notes using solfege.
9/10- Sing a natural minor scale in half notes using solfege.
9/17- Sing all minor scales in half notes.
9/24- Sing a harmonic minor scale and the i, iv, V chords using solfege
10/1- Song for Superintendent's Gala measures TBA
10/8- Compose 8 measure melody using all-state rules, exercise 1 and sing it (recorded)
10/15- Compose 8 measure melody using all-state rules, exercise 2
10/22- Compose 8 measure melody using all-state rules, exercise 3

The following assignments are to be turned in typed (hard copy) or electronically using Office 365 on the date listed.
They will be part of a greater project, of creating a Resume for the purposes deemed appropriate by the student:

9/3- Typed list of all music performed with dates separated by the following categories: solo, ensemble, choir.  A second list of song studied.  Songs should include, date of performance,  name of piece, and composer.
9/10- Typed list of any and all accomplishments and awards.  Group them in a way that makes sense. Jobs or responsibilities held, and a list of possible teachers to write recommendation letters.
9/17- Typed list of special skills, (languages spoken, dance abilities, etc) and GPA both weighted and unweighted.
10/1- Typed list of intentions for Resume and list of (minimum 3) colleges applying for or interested in as well as the requirements for each.
10/15 -Resumes with college essays for each college applying to due and letter of recommendation requests (copied).

Procedural Details

Rehearsal Etiquette
1) Be Prompt
2) Be Prepared
3) Be Respectful
4) Be Engaged
5) Be a Leader


1) Verbal Warning
2) Lowering of grade
3) Detention
4) Referral

I.        Performances
1.            ALL-State Auditions- Sept. 16 @ WCS and Oct. 21@ FCS
2.            FL ACDA Auditions- 
3.            Dinner- November Date TBA
4.            Fall Concert- Tuesday November 15, 5 pm
                    5.           Caroling Competition- Dec. 2 Time TBA
6.           Winter Concert- Dec. 14
7.           Solo and Ensembles- Feb. 2-3 @ Robert Morgan Senior High 
8.           Taste of Doral- TBA
9.           Evaluations Performance- March 8-10 Time TBA
10.         Senior Showcase- May 17 @ 7 pm
b.     Students scheduled to perform cannot miss a performance. Performances are graded and only the most extreme of emergencies will be excused.
c.      Unexcused absence from a performance WILL result in inability to attend spring trip.
d.     Unexcused absence from a performance may result in student failure for the nine-weeks.
II.             Uniforms
a.        The Choral students will have a dress uniform for formal concerts. 
a.      Ladies will wear a gown, which can be purchased for $110 from a company.  
b.     Gentlemen will wear a tuxedo, which can be purchased from a company for $100.
c.      All students need to purchase dress black shoes.
                             i.     Ladies
                           ii.     Gentlemen
d.      These items can be borrowed from the school, but would be unable to make alterations to fit the individual and would cost $10 for dry cleaning. 
b.     Students will also have a casual uniform used for fieldtrips and in-school performances.  This will be t-shirt with uniform pants.
c.      Cost will be roughly $10 for T-shirts and will be sold through the school.
III.           Attendance   
a.      Class Rehearsals: absences from school in excess of 9 times in a school year will result in the inability to perform and will affect student's grades. Tardies to school in excess of 19 times will result in the inability to perform and will affect student's grades.
b.     After School Rehearsals: students are expected to attend Sectionals weekly (unless cancelled by the director) and group rehearsals Thursday after school from 2:30-4:00 pm.  If a situation arises, it is the student’s responsibility to find an alternative assignment with the director or section leader and it must be done within the week of that rehearsal.
c.      Extra Rehearsals: students are expected to attend extra rehearsal as called by the director. All students must make transportation arrangements in advance. Advance notice (minimum of 2 weeks) will always be given for extra rehearsals held after regular school hours.
d.     Restroom policy: restroom passes will be issued to students only in the case of extreme emergencies.
IV.           Rehearsal Schedule
a.      Students will rehearse Thursdays afterschool from 2:30-4:00pm. Section leaders will announce sectionals within the first week of school.
b.     If a student misses 3 or more rehearsals, he/she will be ineligible for the spring trip.
c.      Saturday theory tutoring will be available for students interested in auditioning for the All-State Choir.  Students MUST communicate with their director if this is an option they want.
V.             Individual Expectations
a.     Students in this group are expected to be the top of the Reagan Choral Department and may be asked to prove it on numerous occasions.
b.    Students will be expected to sing in quartets all of their music for Caroling competition, and MPA’s, possibly for other concerts as well.
c.     Students will be expected to participate in a minimum of one non-mandatory event per year.