Saturday, August 19, 2017

Chorus Syllabus

The purpose of Reagan Singers is to provide, promote, and encourage love, interest, and participation in choral music. This is the face of the choral program at Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Sr. High.

The student should be able to sight-read SATB music of a moderate level of difficulty.
The student should have knowledge of music theory such that he/she can figure out a new piece of music with a limited amount of help from the director.
The student should be able to sing his/her part independently while other students sing their parts simultaneously.
The student should be able to interpret and connect the music to cultural and historical context.

Course Structure:
Every Semester, these specific things will be worked on and continue to be developed.
1) How the voice works, what is a good sound, what is a bad sound? Proper posture, breathing, and vowel formation
2) Theory and Sight Singing fundamentals.
3) Voice placements and types.
4) Understanding scores in regards to phrasing, tempo, and dynamics.
5) Different language based music will be introduced and developed.
6) Evaluation preparation, what is a good performance, what is a bad performance?
7) How to create better performances. Learning to blend with other voices, listening to each other,
8) Historical understanding of music.
9) Cultural understanding of music.
10) Creating and putting on a performance, what goes into it?

Students involved in this program should be able to sing solo and participate in one of the multiple opportunities provided throughout the school year.
Students should be able to create a resume for auditions/colleges/job applications.
Students should be able to prepare their songs for auditions. 
Students should understand the rigors of the performing world, and as such, audition periodically throughout the year. 
Students should learn how to show love.

                        A.         Performances                                        45 %
                        B.         Rehearsal attendance                             25 %
                        C.         Class Participation                                 15 %
                        D.        Written Assignments/Evaluations         10 %
                        E.         Quarterly Exam                                      5 %

Music Fee $4
Uniform Rental $10

Grading Scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59-below

Love is...

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